
Helping you to help children with neuro-developmental issues.

Viv Hailwood
Founder of the Brainchild Developmental Program


Visit our new website to learn about


our new online program for families to enjoy at Home.

How can we help your child?

Working in partnership with you, we can help your child’s underlying neuro-development. This allows maturation of their brain function.

Life and learning can become easier. Everyone in the family benefits.

Problems with meltdowns, aggression, poor coordination, frustration, slow processing, low self-esteem, anxiety, reading attainment, writing fluency, social interaction improve or disappear.

Early brain development before birth and during the first year of life is crucial to a child’s future.

At birth, a baby’s brain has developed to assist the birth process. While the reflex nature of their brain is perfect for this stage in their development, these reflexes need to integrate, fade into the background, so the brain can mature.

Using our non-intrusive, natural intervention it is possible to unlock the limitations from this period to allow efficient functioning for all aspects of life.

What do we do?

We help you to learn how to help your child to make positive changes. We provide their own tailored, active, learning program that children (and parents) love. The hands-on and physical games seem like play.

Why does it work?

Because the program works on the underlying neuro-developmental problem, it helps your child’s brain to mature. Some aspects may be functioning at an appropriate level while others are hampered by early brain development that is still there.

The specific neuro-developmental impact can be profound, releasing your child from their limitations, for good.

To see how this can help a wide range of issues visit our clients accounts in Success Stories.




For my school

EBO for SchoolsEnhancing Brain Organisation is our online neurodevelopmental program that seems like play. Jump into a video-game-style storyline, that inspires the children in their energetic activities as it helps their brains to mature.


The BrainChild Developmental Program was founded in January 2005 in the UK, following a 4 year development and evaluation period in schools.

Our mission is to raise awareness of the importance of early development in babies and give children with neurodevelopmental issues a second chance to be released from their limitations. provides:

Bespoke programs for individual children with developmental diagnoses or undiagnosed issues in partnership with their families. These can be accessed by referral or privately.

Training programs for professionals working with expectant mothers, babies and children. This includes teachers, social workers, health visitors,  therapists, such as occupational, speech and language, physiotherapists,  adoption and fostering specialists.

In house staff training to meet the requirements of the organisation relating to their provision, age range and desired outcomes.

Access can be on site or online .


Now we have our exciting animated online programs.

EBO for Schools  and EBO@Home – Enhancing Brain Organisation


EBO for Schools

This streamed program for schools and groups combines an exciting video game- style storyline that inspires the developmental energetic activities. It seems like play, but is designed to help children with developmental issues to change and thrive, making life and learning easier.

Because it works at the foundation level of brain development it is ideal for classes with a mix of diagnoses and learning and behavioural issues.

EBO is also suitable for delivery to child and parent groups and youth groups by a professional.

Training videos included.


Skilfully designed for parent and child to enjoy together. Enjoy the games in then comfort of your own home.

Visit our dedicated EBO website to find out more..