How can one intervention help such a wide range of issues?

I’m often asked this question.

One client has even written about it!  Amy, J’s mum, asked herself that question when she was searching for help for her son.

At the time she didn’t realise that  problems with neurodevelopment can show in a multitude of ways.


BrainChild helps autism and more

Amy wrote:

Ok, so this is the difficulty…..

How can one intervention help such a wide range of problems?

I asked myself that question all that time ago when I first met Viv.  Surely I should be using a treatment specific to my son’s autism?

She also found the answer.

So to put it simply, it is because many of the behaviours associated with our children’s problems stem from a developmental starting point.

For many reasons, a stage in the brain’s development has been missed, interrupted or skipped completely.

Brainchild helps to address that particular area of development.

Amy is absolutely right.

Everything we do, say, feel, hear, see….. requires us to use our brain. So any problem with neurodevelopment can show in a multitude of ways.

But it doesn’t have to affect everything about a child.

It depends where and when in a child’s development a step has been missed, interrupted or skipped completely. Many different adverse childhood experiences can influence this. They can be as different as the birth process, emotional or physical trauma, or carer depression.

The impact on neurodevelopment can arrest maturation. Read how.

The Issues

The range of issues that BrainChild Developmental Program and therefore EBO for Schools can help is wide. The stories below illustrate this.

Search for yourself   or  choose below:

J’s story 

(View pages 11 and 12 and the Appendix for a brief view of the impact on the children in this group program)

EBO for Schools

How can whole-class delivery work for children with different issues and diagnoses?

The answer is obvious. The active program, EBO, is about Enhancing Brain Organisation for each child. Any problem with neurodevelopment can show in a multitude of ways.  EBO brings improvements.

Because EBO for Schools can help in so many ways it can have unexpected benefits for some children in a class. It’s built around collaboration and developing empathy and calm, alongside the physical activity. Positive reinforcement makes learning effective.

We all know an engaged child is a happy child, so the whole program is designed to be fun and support well being.

If you have any questions: View FAQs or choose to contact us.We will be happy to help.